For most people, fillings are inevitable. Almost everyone, at some point in their lives, needs to have a cavity filled. But thanks to advances in dental technology over the past several years, we now have many more choices than we used to when it comes to fillings. Dr. Kaliher is pleased to offer his Austin, TX patients different options for filling material.
Top Reasons to See Dr. Trey Kaliher for Fillings
- It’s important to have cavities filled as early on as possible, in order to prevent the cavity from growing, which may require a more extensive dental procedure
- Dr. Kaliher has many years of experience in placing fillings for his patients of all ages
- The fees charged by our practice are quite reasonable and compare favorably to other dental practices in the Austin, TX area
Important Information about Fillings
If you’re “of a certain age,” you probably immediately envision the old-fashioned silver amalgam material when you think of fillings. This has been used as a standard filling material by dentists for many years and with good reason – silver amalgam is extremely strong and durable. But amalgam also has drawbacks. It contains trace amounts of mercury, and although that hasn’t been shown to be hazardous to the health of patients, some people aren’t comfortable with silver amalgam for that reason. Also, after a period of several years, your silver fillings will darken and actually turn almost black in color.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to silver amalgam. Over the past few years, Dr. Kaliher and many other dentists have offered their patients porcelain, tooth-colored fillings. Not only is porcelain quite strong and durable, but because the material is tooth-colored, fillings are much less noticeable than they would be otherwise.
Contact Our Austin, TX Office Today
If you believe that you or someone in your family might need a dental filling, contact our Austin, TX office today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Kaliher can provide you with more information about the different options available for fillings, and can help you decide which is the best choice for you or your family member.