Invisalign is the less invasive alternative to getting braces. Instead of wires and clamps, you wear plastic trays that are much like mouthguards you might see athletes wearing. These clear plastic molds are fitted over your teeth and are designed to be invisible. You wear them by snapping them into place on your teeth and they slowly straighten your teeth over time. But this teeth alignment system may not be well-suited for everyone and to help you make the right decision, here are all of the facts you need to know about Invisalign.
You start with a set of trays that you apply to your teeth and you wear them for a period of two to three weeks. After that time passes, you will receive a new set that continue to tighten and straighten your teeth to the desired position. Every treatment varies depending upon the amount of work necessary, some patients could receive as many as 12 different trays before their teeth are properly aligned. Some may need more, while others might not need as many.
Eating and Drinking
Since the Invisalign trays are removable, you take them out when you wish to eat and when you brush your teeth. All other times you want to keep them on your teeth so the treatment is successful. As for eating and drinking when you take them out, there are a few restrictions that you need to follow. Any liquids that aren’t clear are pretty much off-limits, otherwise you will notice your alignment trays becoming discolored and the invisibility factor is rendered pointless. So if you enjoy coffee or red wine, you may want to curb those habits during your treatment. The same goes for smoking.
You may experience some mild discomfort for the first week or two with your new alignment trays. After all, you are putting a foreign body into your mouth and attaching it to your teeth. For most patients, it’s just a little bit of tightness each time you receive a new set of trays, but some patients might experience irritation and pain from the trays rubbing against the inside of the mouth and against the gums.
Brushing is Even More Important
It’s always imperative that you brush three times a day but when you’re wearing Invisalign, brushing is even more important. When you put the tray back in your mouth after you’ve eaten, you don’t want to do it with food particles stuck in your teeth. That can breed bacteria and lead to infection and gum disease. So you’re going to need to get into the habit of carrying a toothbrush with you.