Adjusting to your dentures requires lots of patience and can take some time, but with the right amounts of strength, perseverance, and wisdom, you can pull through just fine. They key, as you will see, is to practice and not become discouraged. On that note, here are four tips for getting used to your dentures.
1. Relearning How To Eat Can Be Difficult
One of the first things you are likely to realize after the procedure is how much people take eating whatever they want without pain for granted. The first couple days after the procedure will prove the most challenging, and soft foods like mashed potatoes and soups are recommended. Before eating, make sure your dentures fit tightly–you may even want to practice eating certain types of food before you go out in public, just to become more accustomed to the way they feel in your mouth. If they do not fit right or feel odd you may need to schedule another appointment with your dentist to have them adjusted.
2. Speaking Can Be a Challenge
The simple act of talking with your dentures in can be excruciating, and can lead to bruises and cuts on the gums. However, as with eating, this pain can be drastically reduced the more you practice.
3. Regular Cleaning Is Crucial
Make sure to regularly clean your dentures, though be aware that brushing too abrasively could potentially scratch the surface and create ample places for bacteria to live. Make sure to floss and use mouthwash regularly and keep a regular appointment schedule with your dentist so that any potential adjustment issues can be taken care of.
4. Be Patient And Wear As Directed
Wear your dentures as directed throughout the designated time frame. However, be aware as to how long you are wearing them. Wearing them shorter than directed will ensure they don’t break-in properly, while wearing them longer could leave you with painful sore spots that could potentially become infected.
One final tip, remain in contact with your dentist all throughout the adjustment period. Keeping them updated on your progress and aware of any problems you may be experiencing is a great preventative step towards catching more serious problems; they will also be able to provide you with advice regarding the healing process. If you are experiencing anything like sore spots, slippage, or odd sensations do not hesitate to contact your dentist immediately.